Demon Rush is a trading card game where it’s the end of the world, and you’re caught in the eye of the storm! In this dark-fantasy adventure, powerful angels have arrived to protect Earth from hordes of demons. Each player chooses their champion and battles over tabletop. Cards can be found in booster packs including rare foils, and are traded much like other card games!
The primary mission of “Demon Rush” was to create a strong focus on the players, tournament play, and a balanced card game reminiscent of top format decks. Demon Rush feels familiar to players of other card games and the physical cards were designed for optimum shine and playability. Backed by an award winning Manga, explore a universe of magic, monsters, and myth.
Join discord for free and play with others! We have judges on standby to assist with ruling questions or teach you the game. We have a free online version of the game where you can playtest any deck ideas you’ve created!
The Demon Rush Trading Card Game is easy to learn, but can get competitive at higher levels. We also host Tournaments where you can test your might against the best!
MASTER RARE (30 Printed)
Adriel, Angel of Destruction
Rarity: Mastar Rare
Faction: Holy
Type: Greater Being
Cost: 10
Strength: 14
Effect: When this card is rallied, destroy all soldiers your opponent controls. When this card is destroyed and sent to the cemetery, replenish 10 imperium.
Culsu, the Gatekeeper
Rarity: Mastar Rare
Faction: Evil
Type: Greater Being
Cost: 10
Strength: 12
Effect: When this card is rallied, you can rally up to 2 soldiers with 3 strength or less from your deck. When this card is destroyed and sent from the field to the cemetery, rally a 2 strength demon soul token.
Rarity: Mastar Rare
Faction: Holy
Type: Champion
Strength: 1
Effect: Once per turn, during your turn, you can spend 2 imperium to draw 1 card and then discard 1 card.
Rarity: Mastar Rare
Faction: Evil
Type: Champion
Strength: 1
Effect: Once per turn, during either player's turn, you can grant +1 strength to any fighter until the end of the turn.